Wednesday 2 July 2014


Hello there people! My name is Sophie and I am 16 years old. I have recently left school, which was at the end of May. I am going onto college next year to study Hairdressing, as it is my ultimate dream to be a professional hairdresser. My passion is dance as I have been dancing since I was 3 years old, my favourite is ballet as I love wearing the tutu's.

I have been told by my friends that I am very trustworthy and that I am a very crazy person at times, which you may find out more about in another blog! I also think that I am a very organised person and I like everything to be tidy, I wouldn't say that I am a neat freak or anything, I just find it better and less stressful if everything is in its usual place and everything's away. I do stress over things but only if they are really bothering me, this is rare and only really happens if I am really worried about something, such as like my GCSE exams.

At the moment I am currently in love with all the fashion trends out there. I have recently purchased a kimono which if some of you don't know it's a little chiffon material jacket which is my current favourite at the moment as it goes with any outfit.

I live with my mum, dad, brother and younger sister. I get along the best with my brothers girlfriend, because she's so lovely and I can tell her anything without her judging me or anything.

Starry Sophie xx

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