Monday 21 July 2014

Everyday make up routine


I'm going to show you in this blog my daily make up routine. I will tell where I got these from and if I can remember the prices I will put them in too!! 

Okay so firstly when I wake up I use these face wipes, they are called cherish facial cleansing wipes and I believe you can get them in any drug store like super drug or boots, I got these from super drug for I think around £1.99. They work amazingly and after use you feel so much more awake, well I do anyway. 

My second step is applying concealer, I don't usually wear this only if I have bad under eyes or red puffiness around my eyes or nose. I am aware I need to buy a new one but as it's now the summer and it's been very warm which is very unusual for England I don't like to put this on and have foundation over the top, it makes me very sticky and I sweat more easily. But it is good for hiding any black circles or puffiness, I'm not to sure where I got this, but I think it was about £2.99. 

My next step I do is I make sure my foundation brush is clean (yes I'm aware It isn't at the moment) and I apply my foundation. I love this foundation it is amazing, you can get it in any shop wether it be a makeup shop, a drugstore or a little supermarket. I always get mine in super drug or boots and it's around £8.99. My brush also has a concealer brush at the end which is the little brush, I got this one from forever 21 when I went to London thinking it would just be a rubbish brush, but actually it works really well and it really evens out the product you put on. This foundation is in number 201 which is called classic beige if you couldn't see. 

I then move onto bronser. Now I'm new to this and don't know completely how it's used, but I'm getting the hang of it and have realised that it sits just below your cheek bones. It is BarryM which was expensive because I brought this when it first came out about 2 years ago and I've only just started to use it, I also put it on with my BarryM bronser brush, once again this brush was expensive I think around £4.99, for one brush that is pretty pricy, the bronser I think was around £9.99. But it does work amazingly well and really brings out my cheek bones a lot more. It is suitable for all skin tones so I don't need to tell you what colour it is or the name of it. 

My next step is applying my eye shadow, I use a different amount of colours depending on the weather or what I'm wearing that day. But my most used one as you can see is the dusty gold colour, it works so well with the bronzer and the foundation that it gives me a much more natural look. I got this for my birthday a couple of years back so I don't know where it's from or how much it is. I also use the white just under my eye brows so just below the bone. I find that it gives me more of a lighter look and if you put a little of white in the corner of your eye and under your bottom lashes then it makes your eyes look bigger. 

The next step is I shade in my eye brows. Now I have used all of this pencil and I need to buy a new one so I don't have a picture of that for you at the moment. I will edit this once I've brought one and show you which one it is. I usually buy the rimmel London one and I think it's about £3,99. I'm not completely sure. I use this tool which has an eye brow brush and an eye lash brush to brush out all the clumps on your eye lashes. It is from forever 21 again and it came in a set of 5 other brushes and I believe it costs about £4. 

I then move on too mascara, now I use two different mascaras one for base coat and the other to make it look more natural and black as my eye lashes are incredibly white and can barely see them. One is from primark which is the one with the gold ring around the top and that costs £3, the other is from max factor and I believe it was £7.99. I apologise for all the writing rubbing off it I have used it a lot and it's slowly dying on me but it's called 2000 calorie dramatic look. 

My second to last thing I do is eye liner. I once again use two different eye liners, one which is more like a felt tip for my bottom lashes and I use the more of a brush look one for my top lashes. I do this because I find that the more liquidy one runs into my eyes and makes me cry it also smudges badly on my face if I use it at the bottom. These were both from boots the blue one from max factor and the other from MUA, both around the price of £2.99. 

And finally to finish my look I use a light pink lipstick which is in the shade of sweet sensation. I don't know where this is from because I got given it brand new but it looks like a rimmel London make so I would go check it out if the colour appeals to you, as you can see I love this colour and I am running out of it. I have recently purchased a new one in exactly the same colour from rimmel it's just in a newer package. 

Well stars that is my daily make up routine. Hope you enjoyed reading. 

Stay starry! 

Starry Sophie xx

Thursday 17 July 2014

New job


I have such amazing news to share with you all!! I HAVE A JOB, my mum came home from her job today which is working at a childminder's and the lady there asked how old I was and that the mums and dads are all looking for a babysitter and asked if I would like to do it! So obviously my mum said that I would so next week I have to go to the childminders to meet all the children and play with them so they can get to know me and then I meet all the parents after. The hopefully they all want me to babysit for them soon!! 

I already have to baby sit a little girl called Tilly who is the most adorable 3 year old girl I have ever met I just want to take her home with me. I can't wait to start this up properly! I've already started a babysitting job around my home area and have babysat many little kids in this area, I love them all and I get along amazingly with little kids so hopefully I get along great with these ones.

Thought I'd share with you guys my only excitement from today!

Stay starry

Starry Sophie xx

Tuesday 15 July 2014

Starting blogging

Hello my fellow blog readers!

How are we all? Anyway today I thought I'd tell you why I wanted to start blogging. Well it all started when I started writing down a sort of diary entry, or a journal It was something like that. I must've started that at age 11 I think, and it got more into stories of my life and what I had buyed if I went out with my mum, or what my favourite things were. I had recently come across my many note books I had writen all these in and once I had read through them all it was then that I thought I should share everything on a blog as I'm older and want either people opinions or if they need questions being answered. 

Starting this blog I was so excited about, seeing as I've only had it for a little while I'm starting to really enjoy it and I'm begining to start to blog every day, more like a daily blog. As this blog is mostly about fashion, beauty I am also very welcome for any personal questions you want me to help you with or if you want me to talk about my personal life then I am very welcome to do so. So don't hesitate to ask anything or you could email me at -

Thank you for reading my blog I hope you like them and stay tuned for many more to come!

Stay starry!

Starry Sophie xx

Friday 11 July 2014

Bad habits

Hola my starry stars!

Before you get excited let me share my excitement. OMG I KNOW ANOTHER BLOG IN THE SAME DAY!!!!!! ok that's my excitement finished. Alright well this next blog is about bad habits, well I don't know if they are bad, basically lets just call them habits I have.

I warn you! these may be weird....

My first "bad" habit is when im either day dreaming or bored I play with a strand of my hair and twirl it round my fingers. I find it comforting and it relaxes me. comment if you do this two! and I give you ha high five.

my other "bad" habit is when im with someone, and I mostly do this with my boyfriend, I rub my thumb and index finger over his ear when im watching a film or just talking, I never realised I done it until he mentioned it a while ago, I've started to do it more often as It helps me calm down if im upset or if im sleepy then it helps me sleep.

 Another "bad" habit I have is I hum a tune a lot, well it's not even a real song, again its one I never knew I done until my mum told me when I believe I was 8 years old, and I guess its just stuck with me, I mostly do it when im doing something, such as reading or doing work.

My final "bad" habit is repeating myself over and over. I mainly do it over text and it really annoys people, I always get told "Sophie stop" "Sophie your doing it again" I don't mean too! it just happens naturally to me.

Anyway, stay tuned for maybe ANOTHER blog later.

Stay starry, Starry Sophie xx

The hardest thing i've ever had to talk about

Hi stars,

I don't know how to start all this what I'm about to tell you, it's very personal to me and I feel that I need to let all my emotions and frustrations out. Bare with me if none of this makes sense it's hard for me to talk about which might show in how I write about it.

This is a very touchy subject to me and I get so emotional over it, it is about my most favourite person in my family and that is my granddad. Unfortunately a few weeks ago my mum and dad sat me, my brother and sister down in the lounge and told us as best as they could that my granddad has pancreas cancer. As soon as the sentence came out of my mums mouth I immediately starting crying, I was the first one to cry, I love my granddad with all my heart and I wish him all the best with his chemotherapy.

The doctors had caught it early enough and fortunately they are able to stop it completely, it wont be cured which means he wont be completely free from it but they can stop its from spreading to his liver, lungs and so on. He has got so much support and I have visited him as much as I can since I found out about it.

He has had two lots of chemotherapy and they both went very well his next one is on Tuesday coming so the 15th July, then the next in a couple of months I believe, it's a bit confusing. He has lost a lot of weight and he's more weak then before, but he's staying strong and doesn't show that he's ill. I look at him now and would never think that he had cancer,  I'm hoping he beats this and gets well soon.

I thought I'd tell you this a few weeks after I found out it happened just so I could compose myself and be able to talk about it with whoever reads my blogs.

Thank you stars for support, I am welcome to keep you updated with this if you want me too, don't be afraid to ask about it.

Stay starry, Starry Sophie xx

Dreams I want to full fill in 5 years time


Firstly I apologise for not posting a blog in a few days, wait is it that, it might've been a week? but I don't know im here now! LET'S PARTY. No Sophie stay focused.

Anyway I thought today that I should tell you about what my dreams are for the next 5 years. So up until I am 21, as I am 16 at the moment, I have many things I want to do or have done by the time I am 21. These include:

I'll start at the bottom of my list, don't worry I will pick 6 dreams as I have a MEGA big list I wouldn't want to bore you with.

Anyway, dream 6 is to overcome all my fears, these would be heights for one, I am a huge scary cat when it comes to heights, im not so bad if I can move away from a window and walk in the middle or if im with someone. But if I am on my own and there's not much room for me to move back then I panic and can't move anywhere. Another fear I have is with animals, yes I know your all probably thinking that its a weird one, but ever since I can remember when I was around 5 years old I wouldn't say its a bad fear its more of a weird experience with anything with fur, which yes includes animals. I hate the way you can feel their spines or the way hamsters crawl on you hands with their feet, it just makes me cringe. I hope I overcome these fears, they aren't major big ones but to me they are and I've had them all my life. im hoping in these 5 years they will be no more.

Dream 5 is I would love to take my mum on a shopping spree she deserves. She's done so much for me and I need to give her something back, not saying I don't now, I just feel that she needs to loosen up more now and just have fun. and I feel that I can help her do that, my mum is basically my best friend (SORRY CHLOE) I feel like she's the only one that understands my problems and she's always there when I need help. I really appreciate everything she's done for me and I hope I can make her proud with whatever I decide to do in the future.

Dream 4 is to go back to Disney land in Orlando Florida. It's purely the happiest place on earth and it is my favourite place to go. I have been twice, once at Christmas which made the time there so much more magical and Christmassy it was also good because it wasn't cold over there at this time, I could go out in the evening in shorts and a t-shirt and not freeze to death. The other time I went was Easter I believe around middle of May. And even then I loved it more then the first time. I would beg to go back at any age cause like the quote, "your never too old for a Disney film" its such a beautiful place and I love it so much.

Dream 3 is by the time I am around the age of 18 or 19 I want to of experienced the life of going to many festivals. Yes I am aware I can do that now and all my friends have been to so many, but I don't feel the need to do everything like that now when I can focus on my college classes and look forward to them when I am older. I know right now I probably sound like a person who just stays inside and does so much work but I do go out to parties and go out in the evenings to friends but going to festivals I feel should happen around an older age. Yes I will probably get people disagreeing with me but this is my opinion and my dream I want to do when I am older.  

Dream 2 is I want to of worked on a cruise ship for hairdressing. I have looked into this and made it my second dream because as I am going onto college in September to study hair and beauty. My mum was actually the one who told me that I can do hair on a cruise ship and I literally love her more for telling me, this also means that I can go and see different places and can also meet some people while this is happening. I think it would be an amazing opportunity and I cannot wait if it does come true. I am sticking to this dream completely cause it is a main one I want to come true.

And finally my number one dream is for me to travel. I have dreamed about this ever since I was 10 years old, I've always loved going on airplanes, it makes the holiday so much more exciting. Already in my whole life I have been on 9 holidays abroad and I was always the first person up and ready to go super early in the mornings before my family. Yes I was that keen. I would literally love to walk into the airport and just buy any ticket to go anywhere and just explore, that would be amazing.

Anyway these are just my 6 dreams I would hope happen in the next 5 years time, I'll keep you updated with how im getting on and when any come true again for me.

Stay starry!!

Starry Sophie xx

Wednesday 2 July 2014

School Life

Hey guys Sophie here!

So I have decided to do a blog today about what my school life was like in my 5 years at secondary school, which in America I believe is High School correct me if I'm wrong, if there is any of you Americans reading.

Anyway my first year, which is year 7 was really getting to know the school, this means getting to know your teachers for every subject, your form tutors, making new friends and most importantly, learning your way around the school! for me my school was massive compared to my little junior school(middle school, I think). I did have a few problems in this year, mainly with friends as I had found that some were being particular different with me.

However year 8 was by far my favourite year, in this year I had met my best friend and felt that is was a very chilled, laid back year. this year was also a year where I had lost a friend I had gotten very close with over the first year, she had become two faced and suddenly stopped talking to me. Classes were good fun and I got along with everyone I had sat next too.

Year 9, I don't really remember. It was the year I didn't enjoy much, I got picked on by my history teacher when he knew I wouldn't know the answer and he would humiliate me in front of the class. I had my best friend in these classes which I was very grateful for and she would make my day better. Music was the best lesson we had together, we would mess around with garage band on the apple macs and there was this one time our teacher told us to help her tidy up another music room while the rest of the class watched a film in another class and we were in the room opposite with a window in between and I was standing on a wobbly table and it collapsed and everyone in the class literally looked at me like "what the hell is she doing" I burst out laughing and couldn't stop how red I was going. other then that it was a pretty boring year, oh and this was also the year where you choose your GCSE's, I had chosen; Art, geography, child development and French.

Year 10 was a good year, I had made a good bond with many more people and had a much bigger friendship group. Yes this year was hard work as its mainly a GCSE year but it was fun and I had enjoyed every class I had. Knowing I never had to do History, Music, textiles, food tech and design ever again made me so happy. Nothing else much happened in this year that I can tell you just it was a good year and I would do it all over again. Oh one more thing was that this year I had become an arts leader which cause my school was a performing arts school it means I help ushering the shows, working backstage and getting the performers ready. I was also a sports leader which means I got to teach the younger years and different primary schools(elementary school, I think! please do feel free to correct me) any sport we wanted too, these jobs were a lot of fun and it had put a very good reference on me towards the school.

And finally year 11, my final year was the main one I had founded to most stressful this is because it was my GCSE year and I had to really prepare for my exams that were coming up soon. I had a lot of support behind me saying that I can do this and get through my exams fine. Also in year 11 you get an end of year prom! which I found so amazingly fun, everyone was there, it was in an extraordinary place and you just see everyone dressed up and having an amazing time. Also on the 21st August is my results day, this is the day where I find out all my exam results and if I was able to get my grades I want. Fingers crossed I pass every subject!!

So yeah that is my school life, ask any questions you want about anything else you want to know, and don't be afraid to tell me any blogs you want me to write about!!
Thanks for reading guys!  Starry Sophie xx

Also go follow my titter - @starrysophie1 and instagram! - starrysophie

Fashion Favourites

Hello my fellow blog viewers, in this blog I will be talking to you about my current fashion favourites for the summer. As my summer had started at the end of May when I had left school, I have been looking at what new summer trends have come out.

So far I had found out that many teenagers have started to wear skorts; these are a skirt at the front and then have shorts at the back. which are super cute! I have a few of my own and I love them.

I have also noticed recently that kimonos, which are like a sort of jacket have become incredibly popular. I went into town to get one for my sister, I had found one put it back and I literally went back 10 minutes after and it was gone! there wasn't another one in the entire shop that was her size. Ever since I purchased mine, which was yesterday, I have literally lived in it, they are incredibly comfy and I highly suggest you crab one if you still can.

Also another of my summer favourites is dungaree dresses. These are a denim outfit with a dungaree top and a skater skirt or tight bottom. I think these are super cute paired with white converse and a coloured top or crop top underneath.

Finally my last summer favourites are different coloured jelly shoes, they are so comfortable from what I have been told and they go with anything. You can usually get them in any colour and a range of different styles. I haven't yet purchased any yet but I am planning to very soon.


Thank you for reading my first blog! I really hope you enjoyed it and stay tuned for more blogs to come!!

Follow my twitter - @starrysophie1 and my instagram - starrysophie

Starry Sophie xx


Hello there people! My name is Sophie and I am 16 years old. I have recently left school, which was at the end of May. I am going onto college next year to study Hairdressing, as it is my ultimate dream to be a professional hairdresser. My passion is dance as I have been dancing since I was 3 years old, my favourite is ballet as I love wearing the tutu's.

I have been told by my friends that I am very trustworthy and that I am a very crazy person at times, which you may find out more about in another blog! I also think that I am a very organised person and I like everything to be tidy, I wouldn't say that I am a neat freak or anything, I just find it better and less stressful if everything is in its usual place and everything's away. I do stress over things but only if they are really bothering me, this is rare and only really happens if I am really worried about something, such as like my GCSE exams.

At the moment I am currently in love with all the fashion trends out there. I have recently purchased a kimono which if some of you don't know it's a little chiffon material jacket which is my current favourite at the moment as it goes with any outfit.

I live with my mum, dad, brother and younger sister. I get along the best with my brothers girlfriend, because she's so lovely and I can tell her anything without her judging me or anything.

Starry Sophie xx